Danchenko, a Russian analyst who was a primary source behind the 2016 dossier of allegations against Donald Trump, was arrested Thursday as part of the ongoing Durham probe.
The new report details China’s nuclear advances and growing international influence.
The letter urging clemency came after Khan last week became the first former prisoner at a black site to give an account of the so-called enhanced interrogation techniques agents used to extract informat...
The Supreme Court declined to review a request from the ACLU for access to court records from the FISC and the FISCR.
The Office of the Director of National Intelligence intelligence assessment of the origins of coronavirus found that the virus was not developed as a biological weapon.
The Biden administration released a series of new reports detailing the expected effects of climate change and its threats on global security.
The report outlines the committee’s efforts to get Bannon to comply and his failure to do so.
McCabe won back his pension Thursday after the Justice Department settled a lawsuit asserting McCabe was illegally fired.
For over a year, Jonathan Toebbe and Diana Toebbe allegedly sold information about the design of nuclear-powered warships to a person they believed to be a representative of a foreign government who turn...