ChinaTalk: EMERGENCY POD: Huawei's Breakthrough, the Technical, Industrial and Strategic Implications
Trump’s Motion for Recusal of Judge Chutkan Is Extraordinarily Weak
Both Supreme Court and D.C. Circuit precedents hold that a judge’s in-court statements about cases before them almost never warrant recusal. -
A Battle for Better Information
Researchers working to mitigate online election lies are facing multifaceted attacks, but with 2024 looming, that critical work continues. -
The Lawfare Podcast: Trump’s Presidential Immunity Defense with Saraphin Dhanani and Benjamin Wittes
Is it likely that Trump could succeed in getting the Jan. 6 case against him dismissed based on presidential immunity? -
The Kafala System Is Facilitating Labor Abuses in the Middle East
The contracts used to hire foreign laborers in many Middle Eastern countries are routinely violated and give workers few options to redress exploitative or abusive behavior. -
The Lawfare Podcast: Trump’s Trials and Tribulations: An Update from Courthouses Around the Country
Listen to this week's episode of “Trump’s Trials and Tribulations.” -
The Week That Was: All of Lawfare in One Post
Your weekly summary of everything on the site. -
Chesebro’s Defense Counsel Doesn’t Skip Leg Day
And it looks like he may get to speak to the grand jurors who indicted his client. -
Lawfare No Bull: Judge McAfee Orders Separate Trial for Chesebro and Powell
Department of Homeland Security Releases 2024 Homeland Threat Assessment
The document details the threats that the Department has identified for the next year. -
The Trump Defense, Part II: The Presidential Immunity Gambit
An evaluation of Trump’s argument for presidential immunity in the Jan. 6 case. -
Brookings Event: Kenneth Wainstein on the Current Threat Environment
On Sept. 19, Benjamin Wittes will be joined by DHS Under Secretary for Intelligence and Analysis Kenneth Wainstein for a conversation on the current threat environment.