A review of Arun Vishwanath, “The Weakest Link: How to Diagnose, Detect, and Defend Users From Phishing Attacks” (MIT Press, 2022)
Fixing the app’s privacy issues may not address a larger problem—the Chinese government’s continued access to the algorithm.
The problems—legal and political—with using the doctrine of countermeasures to confiscate Russian central bank assets have been understated by everyone.
Unsecured 911 services can be exploited to sow distrust in the U.S. government among the American public.
Risks associated with the rapid development and deployment of artificial intelligence are getting the attention of lawmakers. But one issue that may not be getting adequate attention by policymakers or b...
Multilateral agreements aimed at regulatory harmonization would allow for thoughtful international research on the information environment that considers user data rights.
The government proved a conspiracy to oppose government authority by force—with a spontaneous trigger.
Among the many issues AI products raise is whether or not their outputs are protected by Section 230, the foundational statute that shields websites from liability for third-party content.
Taking stock of failed dialogue efforts with the Taliban to strengthen future U.S. engagement for Afghanistan.
The latest episode of the Cyberlaw Podcast.
The Islamic State and other groups are experimenting with using drones and may be close to weaponizing them.