The Biden administration issues a clarion call for algorithmic justice but misses some key early opportunities.
Current recipients keep benefits for now, pending district court review of the Biden administration’s DACA rule.
A closer look at the TSA’s cybersecurity directive for pipelines casts doubt on the applicability of “performance-based” regulation to cybersecurity. For now, policymakers have to combine management-base...
Content moderation decisions are made throughout the internet stack. Our research suggests that almost none of the larger tech companies is transparently reporting what they are moderating and why.
The Justice Department's motion was granted, setting a briefing schedule in the Eleventh Circuit that will end on Nov. 17 with no extensions.
How the logic of immigration control erodes civil liberties and legitimates unjustified domestic policing and surveillance.
A summary of the background of the repatriation controversy and the stakes of the situation in the wake of the ECtHR’s H.F. v. France judgment.