Jordan co-hosts an episode with Lizzi in which they sit down with Joseph Torigian to discuss Torigian's recent book, “Prestige, Manipulation and Coercion, Elite Power Struggles in The Soviet Union and Ch...
Ukraine needs more drones. How can the U.S. best supply them?
If the government fails to engage in some greater degree of transparency about how it interprets and applies its existing surveillance authorities, the U.S. risks significant and unnecessary diminution o...
Lawfare’s daily roundup of national security news and opinion.
The hearing is expected to focus on what occurred in the West Wing during the 187 minutes between the breach of the Capitol and Trump’s call to his supporters to leave the building.
Shane Harris sat down with Daniel Silva to discuss Silva's career, his writing process, and how he created the Gabriel Allon spy series.
If it can stand the test of time, the ADPPA would establish a strong national standard that raises the bar for privacy in all 50 states.
One of the challenges with the policy debate around online child sexual abuse is that governments and law enforcement have never laid out the totality of the problem. A new paper hopes to correct that in...
Lawfare’s daily roundup of national security news and opinion.
It’s reasonable at this point for the public to be frustrated by, and for journalists and commentators to start pushing on, the Justice Department’s continuing silence and apparent lack of urgency regard...
“Do your job!” is just one small step removed from “Lock him up!” which is no different at all from “Lock her up!”—even if it feels entirely different and altogether more righteous.