The Lawfare Podcast: Content Moderation’s Original ‘Decider’
Lawfare Live: Barton Gellman on How Donald Trump Could Subvert the 2024 Election
Become a supporter on Patreon to attend our weekly live show. This week features Bart Gellman to discuss his recent article for The Atlantic, "Trump's Next Coup Has Already Begun." -
The Chatter Podcast: The Truth and Fiction of Life Inside the CIA with David McCloskey
Federalism and Coronavirus Vaccination Mandates for Military Personnel
The governor of Oklahoma recently asserted the right to exempt the National Guard of his state from receiving the coronavirus vaccine, raising unique legal questions in the process. -
China Wants to Join Southeast Asia’s Nuclear-Free Zone. Why Now?
In November, China’s President Xi Jinping announced that China is prepared to sign the 1995 Bangkok Treaty, joining the ASEAN nuclear-free zone. Why now? -
Fred Hiatt
A formative influence on me and my work—and thus on Lawfare, too. -
Today’s Headlines and Commentary
Lawfare’s daily roundup of national security news and opinion. -
Rational Security 2.0: The ‘Bad Vlad’ Edition
The Lawfare Podcast: Making Sense of the Crisis in Ethiopia
Winter Supplement for 'Bradley, Deeks, & Goldsmith, Foreign Relations Law: Cases and Materials'
ChinaTalk: CSET: How to Break the Think Tank Mold
National Security by Platform
Understanding the new dynamic between government policy and private platforms is crucial to understanding the modern geopolitical environment.