Lawfare No Bull: Supreme Court hears FBI v. Fazaga
The Lawfare Podcast: America, China and the Tragedy of Great-Power Politics
The Cyberlaw Podcast: NSO on the Hot Seat
How Facebook’s Outage Could Shape Public Preferences on Cybersecurity Policy
What can public opinion polling tell us about public perceptions of cybersecurity? -
Ninth Circuit Rejects NSO Group’s Motion to Dismiss WhatsApp Suit
Lawfare Live: Roger Parloff on the Criminal Prosecutions of Jan. 6 Capitol Rioters
Join us for a discussion on criminal cases related to Jan. 6. -
The Way Forward on Congressional Subpoena Reform
A bill before the House could give Congress what it needs in its conflicts with the executive branch while acknowledging executive branch prerogatives and broader constitutional traditions. -
The Week That Will Be
Lawfare's weekly roundup of event announcements and employment opportunities. -
The Law of Individual Disqualification in a Democracy
The Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol has raised questions on whether consequences should be imposed on any of the elected officials responsible. A comparative analysis of the methods of discipline against po... -
Today’s Headlines and Commentary
Lawfare’s daily roundup of national security news and opinion. -
The Lawfare Podcast: Ambassador Doug Silliman on What's Next in U.S.-Iraq Relations
Initiative Persistence and the Consequence for Cyber Norms
Documents like CYBERCOM's 2018 Command Vision are less provocative in the context of other directives, but who in the U.S. government takes precedence in constructing cyber norms?