Remembering the Gains of the Afghanistan War
It’s hard to imagine a successful counterterrorism campaign in the years that followed Sept. 11 without the invasion of Afghanistan, which played a decisive role in dismantling what had become a major an... -
The IANA Transition at Five
Just five years ago, in September 2016, a significant change in the operation of the internet occurred. -
The Lawfare Podcast: Content Moderation Comes for Parler and Gettr
TechTank: Which U.S. Cities Are Poised for AI Growth?
Evaluating the Police Shooting of Ashli Babbitt
A parsing of the legal issues at play in the police shooting in the Capitol on Jan. 6. -
The Cyberlaw Podcast: We Can’t Run a Twelfth-Century Regime Without WhatsApp!
Today’s Headlines and Commentary
Lawfare’s daily roundup of national security news and opinion. -
Lawfare Live: Reflections on the War in Afghanistan And U.S. Counterterrorism Strategy
Join us for a discussion on the legacy of the war in Afghanistan and U.S. counterterrorism strategy. -
Call for Nominations: 2021 Mike Lewis Prize for National Security Law Scholarship
The Strauss Center for International Security and Law at the University of Texas at Austin and Ohio Northern University’s Pettit College of Law (ONU), in consultation with the American Association of Law... -
The Lawfare Podcast: ‘Humane’ with Samuel Moyn
Rational Security 2.0: The 'Bloodless Coup' Edition
Congress Is Warning That the Federal Government Remains Vulnerable to Cyberattacks
Despite the U.S. government spending more than $16 billion, new technologies and programs may be needed.