Healthy Elections Project Releases 2020 Research Compendium
Stanford-MIT Healthy Elections Project released its research compendium concerning the 2020 election and the coronavirus pandemic. -
Cybersecurity Advisory on Russian GRU Led Global Brute Force Campaign
ChinaTalk: Larry Summers on China
The Lawfare Podcast: Coordinating Inauthentic Behavior With Facebook’s Head of Security Policy
Report Finds Widespread Use of Facial Recognition Technology by Federal Agencies Could Pose Privacy Risk
The report recommends that agencies track and assess the systems they use to mitigate the privacy and accuracy risks. -
American Democracy, Coups and Retired Generals
Calls to try former senior military officials by court-martial for their public political comments demand contextualization as well as condemnation. -
The Lawfare Podcast: What to Make of U.S. Airstrikes in Iraq and Syria
Why Defining ‘Extremism’ Matters to the U.S. Military
The current Department of Defense description of extremism prohibits the effects of a problem it does not yet define. A clear definition is needed to address extremism. -
Why Didn’t the FBI Review Social Media Posts Announcing Plans for the Capitol Riot?
FBI Director Christopher Wray says that the bureau’s internal guidelines prevented it from looking at social media posts announcing the planned attack on the Capitol. But the guidelines say nothing of th... -
Today’s Headlines and Commentary
Lawfare’s daily roundup of national security news and opinion. -
The Lawfare Podcast: Adam Klein Looks Behind the FISA Curtain
The National Security Law Podcast: Road Trip!