An online disinformation campaign targeting Libya was discovered in June 2020. This likely state-backed information operation shows how regional actors try to manipulate dynamic events in support of thei...
Their charm offensive has recruited followers and advanced a racist agenda in a fashion that analysts underestimate at their peril.
Could Congress build a kind of distributed truth commission on the back of a system that already investigates misconduct in every important agency in the federal government: the network of inspectors gen...
Lawfare’s daily roundup of national security news and opinion
Rep. Jamie Raskin asked for Trump’s testimony on the events that led to the Jan. 6 insurrection at the Capitol.
The final iteration of the travel ban reflected data-driven assessments by the Department of Homeland Security, which worked to encourage deeper cooperation from other governments.
The U.S. government would benefit from drawing more on the knowledge and experiences of diaspora Americans who are disadvantaged by antiquated hiring practices.
We recently contributed to an essay in the 2020 "Strategic Survey" that discusses key international legal gaps in areas relating to international security and suggests how states can work to address them.
Donations to U.S. law enforcement by a Chinese drone manufacturer reignited lingering questions about the risks of Chinese drone technology—and point to a larger clash developing between the U.S. and Chi...