Though the diplomatic talks between India and China appear promising, the past six months indicate that both countries may have to adjust their strategic approach along the border and embrace a status qu...
Michigan law concerning the Board of State Canvassers suggests that President Trump’s effort to halt certification won’t amount to much.
The new secretary of defense's attempt to open negotiations with the Somalia-based al-Qaeda affiliate raises the question: Does the United States have conditions for negotiating with terrorist groups?
Your weekly summary of everything on the site.
An interview with Ivan Krastev and Stephen Holmes.
The judge held that the rule exceeded the power of both the attorney general and the Department of Homeland Security and issued a nationwide temporary restraining order against the rule’s implementation.
Krebs, the first director of the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, was able to serve in a political position under President Trump without compromising his integrity. He made a significan...
Lawfare’s daily roundup of national security news and opinion.
The Chinese Communist Party uses the full spectrum of law enforcement actions to exert leverage. And detaining an American on business could provide political and economic advantages.