The Japanese Automobile Industry Is Taking Next Steps for Cybersecurity Collaboration
The discussion around cybersecurity risk tends to overlook the automobile sector. Japan’s auto companies have taken important steps to improve cybersecurity in the industry. -
The Lawfare Podcast: David Priess on the History of the President's Daily Brief
Today’s Headlines and Commentary
Lawfare’s daily roundup of national security news and opinion. -
The National Security Law Podcast: Cleanup on Aisle Trump!
Fault Lines: Bounties and Berlin—Turmoil with Russia
The Week That Will Be
Lawfare's weekly round-up of event announcements and employment opportunities. -
The Lawfare Podcast: Chris Brose on 'The Kill Chain'
The Imaginary Unitary Executive
Contrary to the “Decision of 1789” myth, history shows that the first Congress rejected the exclusive unitary model of the presidency—and thus the presidential removal power should be subject to more con... -
The End of the Open Skies Treaty and the Politics of Compliance
In a statement withdrawing from the treaty, U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo accused Russia of flagrantly violating its provisions. Were those allegations justified? If so, on what grounds? -
Afghanistan Between Negotiations: How the Doha Agreement Will Affect Intra-Afghan Peace
The Taliban left Doha with an advantage and is now raising the pressure on the Afghan government. -
The Week That Was: All of Lawfare in One Post
Your weekly summary of everything on the site. -
The Lawfare Podcast: David Shimer on 'Rigged'