Lawfare’s daily roundup of national security news and opinion.
New York’s attorney general goes after a political opponent.
The Justice Department reported that most of the errors identified by the Office of the Inspector General were minor and none invalidated surveillance authorizations.
The latest moves are part of a comprehensive strategy to purge anything Chinese from the U.S. telecommunications and internet ecosystem.
Republicans’ committee leadership term limits are not the only tool to hold legislators accountable and promote healthy turnover.
Lawfare's weekly round-up of event announcements and employment opportunities.
Lawfare’s daily roundup of national security news and opinion.
The long pattern of China’s uncontested nominations to the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea has emboldened Beijing to disregard the rule of law without facing consequences.
While political divides hindered Wisconsin’s ability to administer a safe, fair and orderly April 7 primary election in the pandemic, the state is now preparing for its Aug. 11 primary and the Nov. 3 gen...
The story of the ill-starred effort to build a Trump-branded skyscraper in Moscow and the Trump campaign’s meeting in New York with Russians promising “dirt” on Hillary Clinton.