Why the Trump Administration May End Up in Court Over War Powers Reporting
Congress has told the Trump administration that it has to produce a public war powers report by March 1. And if that doesn’t happen, private citizens can now sue over it. -
States and Cities Could Use Billions of Unspent DHS Grants to #Protect2020
Rather than waiting on Congress, states can use unspent funds for cybersecurity. -
House Foreign Affairs Committee Hears Testimony from Pompeo on Use of Force in Iran and Iraq
If We Build It (They Will Break In)
As the debate over law enforcement access to encrypted communications continues, commentators and policymakers often overlook an instructive historical example. -
Random Toxicity? What’s Going on in @benjaminwittes’s Mentions
An attempt to understand the hostile, and strangely repetitive, responses to @benjaminwittes tweets and to demystify some bizarre pile-ons it and other accounts provoke. -
House of Representatives Files Supreme Court Brief in Mazars and Deutsche Bank Cases
What a New Resource Says About the Value of War Powers Reporting
A valuable new database of war powers reports is available for scholars—but absent congressional action, the type of document it is collecting may not be long for this world. -
House Armed Services Committee Holds Hearing on Strategic Forces Posture
House Foreign Affairs Committee Holds Hearing on Response to Coronavirus
The Lawfare Podcast: Bridget Barrett and Daniel Kreiss on the Chaos of Social Media Advertising
Today’s Headlines and Commentary
Lawfare’s daily roundup of national security news and opinion -
Summary: The House Judiciary Committee’s Proposed Changes to FISA
On Monday, Feb. 24, the House Judiciary Committee introduced legislation that would amend and reauthorize the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA).