The National Security Law Podcast: What’s In Your Wallet? A Subpoena!
What’s Next on Impeachment
The impeachment inquiry now moves to the House Judiciary Committee. What should we expect? -
The Cyberlaw Podcast: The Right to be Forgotten Shoots the Shark
Revisiting Criminal Obstruction of Justice in the Impeachment Inquiry
The Trump administration’s refusal to engage the committee has a small problem: two federal obstruction of justice statutes. -
Today's Headlines and Commentary
Lawfare’s daily roundup of national-security news and opinions. -
Court Issues Preliminary Injunction Against President Trump’s Ban on Uninsured Immigrants
In October, President Trump issued a proclamation denying entry into the U.S. for otherwise qualified visa applicants unless they are likely to receive “approved health insurance” within 30 days of entry... -
Livestream and Witness Statements: Dec. 4 House Judiciary Impeachment Hearing
The Limits and Implications of the McGahn Case on White House Aide Immunity
A decision with limited immediate consequences could have more impact over the long run in elevating the role of the president’s lawyers in future conflicts with Congress. -
Today's Headlines and Commentary
Lawfare’s daily roundup of national-security news and opinions. -
House Intelligence Committee Releases Impeachment Report
The Lawfare Podcast: Senator Kaine on War Powers and the Coming Impeachment Trial
Second Circuit Rejects Trump Attempt Block Release of Financial Records to Congress