The countries that the United States is trying to rally together are too dispersed to share the same security concerns.
Listen to this week's episode of Trump's Trials and Tribulations
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Both cases found the justices split on whether to separate the president from the presidency.
Overturning the law on First Amendment grounds would require courts to make policy judgments that should be left to the political branches.
How could the Loper Bright decision impact executive agencies' regulations?
The majority opinion in Trump v. United States badly misstates principles of separation of powers to immunize hypothetical future presidents—in service of immunity for Trump himself.
This week, Quinta Jurecic and Scott Anderson were joined by Tyler McBrien and Eric Ciaramella to talk over all the national security news.
Missing in much commentary about Trump v. United States is what it means for the expansion of immunities for presidents while in office.
How concerned should we be about China's use of AI in war?
Bigger is better approaches in AI create an inexhaustible appetite for users’ data, leading to a rise in user data expropriation, sectioning off of the internet, and “data feudalism.”