The Supreme Court had denied a writ of certiorari in the case of Al-Alwi v. Trump. Justice Stephen Breyer wrote separately. The denial, and Justice Breyer’s statement, can be read here and below.
Editor’s Note: This article originally appeared on Order from Chaos.
Editor’s Note: Sudan is in the throes of revolution, raising hopes that a government with a brutal history may be at an end. Sudan, however, could also follow the path of Libya, Yemen and other countries...
In this episode of the special Culper Partners Rule of Law Series, David Kris and Nate Jones speak with John Bellinger.
As part of an ongoing debate about the attorney general’s declassification authority, Jack Goldsmith responded to a post by Benjamin Wittes and David Kris, arguing that there are good reasons to investig...
On June 3, the government filed a motion to dismiss in the case of Padilla v. ICE, a lawsuit brought by detained asylum seekers regarding the Trump administration’s practice of forcibly separating childr...
President Trump’s May 24 emergency declaration regarding threats from Iran allows Raytheon to partner with the Saudi Arabian Military Industries Company, a state-owned enterprise, to assemble parts for t...
Robert Mueller must have known that he was having serious trouble with his public when New York Times columnist Gail Collins suggested he might be a wimp.
Whatever else 2019 turns out to be, it will enjoy a strong case for being remembered as the golden age of debate over American national security strategy. In the month of April alone, four publications p...
On June 11, the House of Representatives will consider a resolution to enable committee chairs to seek judicial enforcement of subpoenas with only the approval of a panel of House leadership, rather than...
A new Lawfare Institute e-book, "Reflections on the Mueller Report," is now available on Kindle.
In a growing number of cases over the past few years, China has used state-sponsored kidnapping as a means of delivering rough justice to individuals abroad. Both Chinese citizens and foreign nationals h...