The United States has significantly ratcheted up its trade war with China in recent weeks by firing two new shots. First, President Trump signed an executive order that is expected to restrict Chinese te...
The House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence has released transcripts of two interviews with President Trump's former lawyer Michael Cohen, one from February 2019 and one from March 2019. Both tr...
It’s springtime here in Washington, D.C. And that leads the mind to just one place: the FBI’s annual internal climate survey.
Judge Amit Mehta of the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia has ruled against President Trump's effort to block the subpoena of Trump's accountant, Mazars USA, by the House Committee on Over...
On Monday, the White House notified the House judiciary committee that the president had directed former White House counsel Don McGahn not to appear before the committee on May 21 pursuant to a subpoena...
On Monday, the Justice Department’s Office of Legal Counsel released the following opinion on whether former White House counsel Don McGahn enjoys immunity from compelled testimony by the House judiciary...
This post is cross-posted on Just Security.
President Trump is reportedly preparing pardons for servicemembers and contractors convicted or accused of war crimes, said the New York Times. The White House has asked the Justice Department to prepare...
Lawfare's weekly roundup of event announcements and employment opportunities.
Editor’s Note: Turkey has emerged as an important, but confusing, actor in the greater Middle East and beyond. Its policies have oscillated as its role has expanded, and it now plays an important role in...
It's been a bad few weeks in Sri Lanka, where a major terrorist attack—the largest since 9/11—hit multiple locations targeting Christians on Easter morning. The violence was different from the usual terr...
The rush to bring law and order to online spaces is well and truly on. Two important documents on the topic of online speech regulation have come out of Paris in the past week alone.