The House Judiciary Committee subpoenaed an unredacted version of the Mueller report on Friday, the day after Attorney General Bill Barr released a redacted version to Congress and the public, reports th...
Reading the report carefully and writing my thoughts as I go.
Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s report spans more than 400 pages. In a 12-page section near the end of the thick volume, Mueller tackles a critical question: Can the federal obstruction of justice statu...
Editor’s Note: This article originally appeared on Order from Chaos.
The redacted Special Counsel report released this morning confirms that the Russian government, through various proxies, carried out...
Mueller did not find a criminal conspiracy between the Trump campaign and Russia, and he did not conclude that President Trump had obstructed justice. But he did not exonerate the president either.
This is an appendix to Lawfare's initial analysis of the Mueller report, listing instances of obstruction as described in the report. Read the analysis here.
Editor’s Note: Below are the executive summaries of the two volumes of Special Counsel Robert Mueller's final report. Volume I deals with links between Russia and the Trump campaign, while Volume II deal...
Attorney General Bill Barr released a redacted version of the Mueller report on Thursday. On Thursday morning, Barr gave a press conference in advance of the release. During his remarks, Barr detail...
The Justice Department released on Thursday morning a redacted version of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s report. The Mueller team divided the report into two volumes: one on Russian interference and po...
On Thursday, Attorney General Bill Barr released a redacted version of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s report on the findings of his investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. election and...
Below are Attorney General Bill Barr's remarks as prepared for delivery at his April 18 press conference on the publication of the Mueller report.
Good Morning. Thank you all for being here today.