When Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg wrote on March 30 that the internet could use more regulation of “harmful content,” maybe he should have been more specific. Less than a week after Zuckerberg’s statemen...
With a purge of the leadership at the Department of Homeland Security, President Trump seems poised to toughen U.S.
Our friends at the National Security Institute at George Mason University came over last week to have a discussion in our podcast studio about Yemen and the U.S.-Saudi alliance. Four former Senate Foreig...
Tensions around the contested island of Thitu (Tagalog: Pag-asa; Chinese: Zhongye) are escalating as China and the Philippines continue to press their claims. In March, the Asia Maritime Transparency Ini...
A federal court issued a preliminary injunction against the administration’s policy of making asylum seekers wait in Mexico pending the resolution of their cases. The decision prevents the government fro...
On Apr. 4, prosecutors in the U.S. District Court for the Western District of New York charged Pat Carlineo of New York with threatening to kill Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Mn.) in phone calls to her office. The ...
Ranking Member of the House Committee on the Judiciary Doug Collins (R-Ga.) released the transcript of House Judiciary and Oversight committees' interviews with former FBI General Counsel Jim Baker from ...
In a budget hearing before the House Appropriations Committee, Attorney General Bill Barr said he expects to be “in a position” to publicly release the partially redacted Mueller report “within a week,” ...
On Monday, the Maryland U.S. attorney's office alleged in a motion for detention pending trial that Rondell Henry stole a U-Haul with the intent of ramming the vehicle into crowds of people at National H...
Attorney General Bill Bar will testify before the House Committee on Appropriations on the Department of Justice FY2020 budget request. The livestream is available here and below.
As the competition for 5G continues, one of the largest players, Chinese company Huawei Technologies, is facing concerns from numerous countries that using Huawei equipment exposes their national network...
Our News Roundup leads with the long, slow death of Section 230 immunity. Nick Weaver explains why he thinks social media’s pursuit of engagement has led to a poisonous online environment, and Matthew He...