For the past year, Matthew Waxman has been writing a series of vignettes on Lawfare about interesting—and usually overlooked—historical episodes of American constitutional war powers in action, and relat...
Note: The Defense Department has issued a directive implementing the department's policy, effective April 12, 2019.
On this date in 1957, President Eisenhower signed into law perhaps the most open-ended force resolution in American history. It was never directly invoked, and it remains formally on the books to this da...
Craig Forcese discussed Huawei Chief Financial Officer Meng Wanzhou’s legal battle in Canada over extradition to the United States, and Quinta Jurecic shared Huawei’s lawsuit against the United States.
So much to debate, so little time! Tune in as we plow through a host of recent (and not-so-recent) events in the world of national security law:
Chinese telecom giant Huawei sued the U.S. government in Texas federal court on Thursday, reports NPR. The suit alleges that the 2019 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) violates the bill of attain...
The former Republic of Macedonia recently changed its official name to the Northern Republic of Macedonia (or, herein, North Macedonia).
Last month, Ariel Levite and Wyatt Hoffman called for urgent government action to support a robust cyber insurance market in a post on Lawfare. Their argument cited ongoing litigation in Mondelez Interna...
On March 25-29, the U.N.’s Group of Governmental Experts (GGE) will meet for the third consecutive year to discuss developments and strategies in the field of lethal autonomous weapons systems (LAWS).
Huawei has filed suit against the United States, alleging that provisions of the 2019 National Defense Authorization Act restricting use of Huawei equipment and services by government agencies and contra...
Michael Cohen provided congressional investigators with documents that corroborate his claim that the president’s attorneys made changes to a written statement he provided to the House and Senate intelli...
The U.S. criminal case against Huawei for sanctions-busting and fraud, and against its chief financial officer, Meng Wanzhou, for fraud, may prove an example of geopolitical “lawfare,” fought on many fro...