Three significant questions behind President Trump’s declaration of a national emergency to build a border wall have a single, surprising answer: Why did Congress in the National Emergencies Act (NEA) of...
The cyber-strategic environment comprises two strategic spaces—armed conflict and the competitive space short of armed conflict. Pursuing national objectives requires strategies that can succeed in the s...
Sixteen states (California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Illinois, Maine, Maryland, Minnesota, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Oregon, Virginia and Michigan) have filed suit against...
The former acting FBI director’s account doesn’t change the fundamentals of the story, but it puts a lot of flesh on the bones.
Editor’s Note: Few people disagree with the goal of Countering Violent Extremism (CVE), but in practice the programs have faced many problems. A big one is that it is hard to know if they are working, as...
Congress and the courts will soon have the opportunity to respond to Donald Trump’s declaration that Congress’s failure to fund his wall at the level he demanded has resulted in a “national emergency” at...
On Friday, President Donald Trump declared a national emergency on the U.S.-Mexico border to secure funds previously denied by Congress to build a border wall. Matthew Kahn shared the official proclamati...
From a detached legal perspective, Trump’s actions are not terribly controversial or worrisome. In context, they are.
When litigation comes, the resolution of the president's invocation of a national emergency and of 10 USC § 2808 will turn to no small extent on the concept of judicial deference.
At the Munich Security Conference on Feb. 16, a group of former world leaders released a Declaration of Principles aimed at reaffirming shared democratic principles and a rules-based order in response to...