The special counsel's office has filed a memorandum in U.S. v. Concord Management and Consulting, LLC in opposition to Concord's motion to disclose documents identified as "sensitive" by the Special Coun...
On Tuesday, the Senate Intelligence Committee heard testimony on global threats to U.S. national security from six heads of intelligence agencies: Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats, CIA Directo...
With the new Democratic majority in the House of Representatives sporting an aggressive oversight agenda on national security and foreign policy issues, it’s only a matter of time before a raft of congre...
With the Democrats taking control of the House of Representatives, the 116th Congress is expected to be one of vigorous oversight of the executive branch, complete with requests for documents and for tes...
This essay closely examines the effect on free-expression rights when platforms such as Facebook or YouTube silence their users’ speech. The first part describes the often messy blend of government and p...
The White House stepped up pressure against Venezuela’s sitting president, Nicolas Maduro, announcing sanctions against the state-owned oil company and granting U.S.-recognized leader Juan Guaidó partial...
If the surgeon about to operate on you has been disciplined for neglecting patients, wouldn’t you like to know? Well, the mandarins of the European Union privacy lobby beg to differ. Google has been told...
On this date in 1955, President Dwight Eisenhower signed a congressional joint resolution authorizing military force to protect Formosa, as Taiwan was then called by the U.S. government, and surrounding ...
Event Announcements (More details on the Events Calendar)
The Justice Department has unsealed a 13-count indictment in the Eastern District of New York charging Chinese telecom giant Huawei, its U.S. and Iranian subsidiaries and its Chief Financial Officer Meng...
U.S. and Taliban negotiators agreed to the principle of a peace agreement framework which would include a ceasefire and a Taliban promise not to harbor terrorists in exchange for American withdrawal from...