Mexico’s new president, Andrés Manuel López Obrador—nicknamed AMLO among the public and in the media—took the oath of office on Dec. 1. As the first representative of the political left to be elected pre...
Let’s start with a few modest propositions:
On Nov. 23, the Trump administration filed petitions with the Supreme Court for a writ of certiorari before judgment in three lawsuits challenging its ban on military service by transgender people, seeki...
In a cabinet meeting on Dec. 18, the government of Japan adopted new National Defense Program Guidelines that call for the “drastic strengthening of Japan’s defense capabilities.” The new guidelines adop...
2018 represented a sharp departure from previous years in terms of the sheer number of jihadist attacks in the West. Though attacks in Western Europe and North America were on a steady rise prior to this...
For this end-of-the-year episode of the Lawfare Podcast, we wanted to hear from you and get your voice on the show. You called us with questions, you tweeted your questions using #LawfareAMA, and Benjami...
Reps. Bob Goodlatte and Trey Gowdy, chairmen of the House Committees on the Judiciary and Oversight, respectively, have released the below letter regarding the committees' joint investigation into the FB...
The financial sector has long been at the forefront of cybersecurity protection, information sharing, and collaboration. Even so, cyberattacks on banks and other institutions of the global financial syst...
Just before Christmas, the U.S. Department of Justice unsealed an indictment against two Chinese nationals who allegedly conducted a twelve-year “global campaign[] of computer intrusions” to steal sensit...
Over the past year, lawmakers from Brussels to Washington have discussed whether and how to regulate social media platforms. In Germany, a central question has been whether such platforms—which Germans c...
In Carpenter v. United States, the Supreme Court held that the Fourth Amendment applies when the government acquires large amounts of cell-phone location data.
Lawfare has run a series of posts concerning exceptional access.