Event Announcements (More details on the Events Calendar)
Former president George H.W. Bush passed away at his home in Houston on Friday, eight months after the passing of his wife, former first lady Barbara Bush, reports the New York Times. He was 94.
This is the third post in a series. Read the first two parts of the series here and here.
Over the next five months, travelers crossing external borders in Hungary, Latvia and Greece will have the opportunity to participate in the European Union’s latest effort to increase the security, effic...
When Michael Cohen first pleaded guilty back in August, the President of the United States declared that his former lawyer had, in fact, not committed campaign finance crimes:
Michael Cohen plead guil...
The obituaries of President George H.W. Bush have appropriately focused on his foreign policy successes, especially his deft diplomatic handling of the collapse of the Soviet Union and the reunification ...
Editor’s Note: For the U.S. government, terrorism is a foreign-linked danger, not a domestic one. Groups that foment violence at home are criminal and investigated as such, but a terrorism label is not u...
Today is the 195th birthday of the Monroe Doctrine. On December 2, 1823, President James Monroe proclaimed in his Seventh Annual Message to Congress that the United States would oppose any European effor...
President Trump’s former personal lawyer, Michael Cohen, pleaded guilty to one count of lying to Congress and entered a formal plea agreement with Special Counsel Robert Mueller on Thursday. Matthew Kahn...
It’s a really good brief. It spells out extensive cooperation. And it offers more details on President Trump’s conduct.
The president's former lawyer Michael Cohen has filed his sentencing memorandum in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York regarding his guilty plea with the special counsel's offic...
On Wednesday, Nov. 28, Congress took what may be its most important step to date towards openly opposing U.S. involvement in the Yemen war. By a vote of 63 to 37, the Senate elected to discharge a joint ...