Paul Manafort pleads guilty and agrees to cooperate in the Russia investigation, and Mike Flynn gets a sentencing date. The Justice Department tells two Chinese media companies to register as foreign age...
A stalemate in Swedish elections this month is pushing opposing parties to form unlikely alliances—and may spark an alliance between moderate parties and the right-wing, anti-immigration Swedish Democrat...
“No plan survives first contact with the enemy.” This axiom informs compliance with the law of armed conflict (LOAC) in combined arms maneuver: combat operations involving ground forces employing a range...
President Trump announced on Monday that his administration will begin imposing new tariffs against $200 billion in Chinese imports next week. Starting on Sept. 24, the government will subject those impo...
On Sept.
President Trump issued Executive Order 13848 on Sept. 12 declaring election interference a national emergency. The order also sets up a protocol for applying sanctions to persons who conduct cyberattacks...
There’s no shortage of news this week, but comparatively little of it is national security law news, and so we are back with a fresh deep dive episode. For better or worse, it’s our longest episode yet ...
The Department of Defense has released a summary of its 2018 Cyber Strategy Report. The document is below:
Security technologist Bruce Schneier's latest book, "Click Here to Kill Everybody: Security and Survival in a Hyper-connected World," argues that it won't be long before everything modern society relies ...
Our interview this week is with Hon. Michael Chertoff, my former boss at Homeland Security and newly minted author of Exploding Data: Reclaiming Our Cyber Security in the Digital Age. The conversation – ...
President Trump ordered intelligence and law enforcement officials to declassify documents and text messages related to the ongoing Russia investigation despite protests from the intelligence community a...