Only three weeks ago, the president of the United States lauded Paul Manafort for bravely rejecting any cooperation with Special Counsel Robert Mueller:
German Chancellor Angela Merkel condemned a series of anti-immigrant protests across eastern German cities on Wednesday, according to the Wall Street Journal. Several of the protests turned violent, with...
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A review of Steven Levitsky and Daniel Ziblatt, How Democracies Die (Crown, 2018).
Congress this fall will likely face the first executive agreement negotiated under the new Cloud Act. The U.S. and United Kingdom have been negotiating such an agreement since at least 2016.
John Bolton comes out swinging in his first major speech as national security adviser. Is Russia behind a mysterious string of illnesses at U.S. diplomatic facilities? And Trump administration officials ...
I argued Tuesday that, while John Bolton’s speech on the International Criminal Court (ICC) was designed to be maximally offensive to the court and its supporters, the actual policy steps he suggested to...
On Sept. 5, the New York Times published an anonymous op-ed by a “senior official in the Trump administration,” calling into question the president’s fitness for office. The author, call him or her Anony...
The EU Parliament has voted to suspend Hungary’s voting rights within the European Union in response to President Viktor Orban’s increasingly illiberal policies, says the New York Times.
In July 2017, we began a polling project to measure public confidence in government institutions on national security matters on an ongoing basis. This post provides our data for the month of August 2018.
This month marks two anniversaries for Israel. Sept. 13 will mark two-and-a-half decades since American, Israeli and Palestinian negotiators signed the 1993 Oslo Accords, launching seven years of peace t...
With so much happening in the world it is easy to miss when American institutions continue to go about their business for the people and do good work. A case in point involves a report issued last week b...
Roger Stone associate Andrew Miller has filed his brief before the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit challenging Special Counsel Robert Mueller's authority to subpoena him. The U.S. District Cou...