Today's Headlines and Commentary

Hadley Baker
Thursday, September 5, 2019, 4:39 PM

British Parliament rejected Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s call for snap elections, reports the New York Times. Johnson’s request for elections came in response to a move by lawmakers on Tuesday to stop his plan for a no-deal Brexit.

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British Parliament rejected Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s call for snap elections, reports the New York Times. Johnson’s request for elections came in response to a move by lawmakers on Tuesday to stop his plan for a no-deal Brexit.

The United States and China will hold trade talks in Washington next month, writes the Times. If held as scheduled in early October, the talks would occur after new U.S. tariffs on Chinese goods have taken effect

Hong Kong Chief Executive Carrie Lam called on demonstrators to end their protests and to enter into a dialogue with her administration, according to the Associated Foreign Press. Lam’s plea to the protesters comes a day after her announcement that she would withdraw the extradition law that ignited the demonstrations. Activists responded to Lam’s call for rapprochement by saying that Lam’s announcement came too late and is inadequate. Protesters plan to occupy transportation to the city’s airport on Saturday.

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani announced that the country will abandon all restrictions on nuclear research and development, including limitations on developing new centrifuges to enrich uranium, says the Washington Post. The report claims that the move is part of a broader attempt to persuade European nations to reset the terms of the 2015 nuclear deal. The change is set to take effect on Friday.

As U.S.-Taliban peace talks continue, the Taliban claimed responsibility for a deadly attack near the U.S. embassy in Kabul on Thursday that killed at least 10 Afghan civilians along with a U.S. service member and a Romanian soldier, and injured at least 42 others, reports Al Jazeera. Hours after the bombing, a separate Taliban car bomb exploded outside an Afghan military base, killing at least four civilians.

Executives from Facebook, Google and Twitter met with U.S. intelligence officials at Facebook’s headquarters on Wednesday to discuss the companies’ plans for preventing election interference in 2020, writes the Hill. The meeting reportedly included representatives from the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security.

ICYMI: Yesterday on Lawfare

Kyle Langvardt and Alan Z. Rozenshtein dissected three recent bills proposed by Sen. Josh Hawley that target the tech industry.

Jen Patja Howell shared the latest edition of Rational Security, in which Tamara Cofman Wittes, Shane Harris, Susan Hennessey and Benjamin Wittes discussed the inspector general report on former FBI Director James Comey, the CIA’s views on White House plans in Afghanistan and National Security Advisor John Bolton’s reported exclusion from certain key aspects of the administration’s foreign policy process.

Stewart Baker posted the latest of the Cyberlaw Podcast which focused on Cyber Command’s “defending forward” operation, China’s approach to information warfare and Chinese disinformation efforts.

Alex Stamos offered a view into the potential future of election interference in the U.S.

Bobby Chesney and Steve Vladeck shared the most recent episode of the National Security Law Podcast, in which they discussed domestic terrorism, the 9/11 trial, the potential peace deal in Afghanistan and more.

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Hadley Baker was an Assistant Editor of Lawfare. She is a recent graduate from the University of St Andrews, studying English literature and Spanish. She was previously an intern at Lawfare.

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