Cyber Operations and Maschmeyer’s “Subversion Trilemma”
The Assassination of Shinzo Abe and the Threat Posed by DIY Weapons
Carpenter Should Replace Katz in Fourth Amendment Law
The International Law Sovereignty Debate and Development of International Norms on Peacetime Cyber Operations
Infiltrate, Exploit, Manipulate: Why the Subversive Nature of Cyber Conflict Explains Both Its Strategic Promise and Its Limitations
Donald Trump’s Impeachment Lies to Congress
Getting Transparency Right
Supreme Court Embraces Broad Congressional War Powers in Torres
Iraq in the Era of the Abraham Accords
Summer 2022 Supplement for 'Bradley, Deeks, & Goldsmith, Foreign Relations Law: Cases and Materials' (7th ed. 2020)
Oh Canada: A Canadian Risk Assessment of the United States
Eighth Circuit Upholds Arkansas Anti-BDS Law