Was an Attempt to Take Over a Tennessee Courthouse in 2010 a Preview of Jan. 6?
Congress Needs to Amend the War Crimes Act of 1996
Foreign Fighters in Ukraine? Evaluating the Benefits and Risks
Cyber Realism in a Time of War
The Modern History of Economic Sanctions
How the U.K. and the Senate Judiciary Committee Are Being Dangerously Foolish About Cryptography
Putin’s Memory Laws Set the Stage for His War in Ukraine
The Division of Authority Between the Special Trial Counsel and Commanders Under the Uniform Code of Military Justice: Planning Now for the Next Phase of Reform
The First Trial of a Capitol Riot Defendant: A Shock-and-Awe Campaign of Video, Audio, and Other Digital Evidence
Global Counterterrorism in (and After) a Pandemic
International Law and the Russian Invasion of Ukraine
Chile’s Security Agenda: A Policy Challenge for Incoming President Boric