Negotiating With Jihadists in the Sahel and Nigeria
Oral Argument Summary: In re: Michael Flynn
Using Qui Tam Statutes to Check Unconstitutional Exercises of Executive Power
Can Law Enforcement Officers Refuse to Identify Themselves?
Did a Government Drone Flight Over a Protest Violate the Fourth Amendment?
The Shoddy History Behind a Key Precedent in the Flynn Case
Suits Under Title III of the Helms-Burton Act Suffer Their First Significant Setback
A Constitutional Response to Trump’s Firings of Inspectors General
The Pentagon’s Proposal to Fill the Swamp
Why Were Out-of-State National Guard Units in Washington, D.C.? The Justice Department’s Troubling Explanation
We Filed Suit Over Trump’s Missing War Powers Report
The Rules of Engagement Are the Wrong Lexicon for Deterrence Signaling