Lawfare News

The Week That Was: All of Lawfare in One Post

Alex R. McQuade
Saturday, March 19, 2016, 11:09 AM

Cody Poplin linked us to President Obama’s announcement nominating Merrick Garland to SCOTUS. Following the announcement, Benjamin Wittes praised Merrick Garland’s nomination and highlighted his national security experience.

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Cody Poplin linked us to President Obama’s announcement nominating Merrick Garland to SCOTUS. Following the announcement, Benjamin Wittes praised Merrick Garland’s nomination and highlighted his national security experience. Timothy Edgar asked Republicans if they were sure that they wanted to block Garland’s appointment. Later, Jack Goldsmith warned of the danger to Scalia’s legacy in the Republican’s strategy against Garland.

Ammar Abdulhamid called Putin’s withdrawal from Syria announcement unexpected but not surprising. He also revisited the Syria and Kurdish question in response to the proposal for a new federal system in Syria.

Asher Susser provided the Israel’s view on the civil war in Syria.

Laura Dean shared the latest installment of her series Syria Displaced featuring the darkening mood at Idomeni, Greece.

Benjamin Wittess flagged a new front opening up in the second crypto war.

Daniel Weitzner likewise argued that the encryption debate is entering its second phase.

Nicholas Weaver examined a FBI hacking warrant and “Network Investigatory Techniques.”

Paul Rosenzweig commented on international cyber norms and linked us to a new book entitled International Cyber Norms: Legal, Policy, and Industry Perspectives.

Daniel Severson outlined what is in the U.K.’s Investigatory Powers Bill or the so called “Snoopers Charter.”

Stewart Baker shared the latest Steptoe Cyberlaw Podcast featuring an interview with Robin Weisman and Peter Van Valkenburgh.

Cody linked us to Apple’s reply to the government’s opposition to Apple’s motion to vacate in the ongoing iPhone litigation in California.

Timothy Edgar argued that the Apple vs. FBI dispute shows that lawyers and the tech world speak different languages on privacy.

Andrew Woods asked why Apple asked for the FBI’s request to be sealed. He suggested that the sealed order would allow Apple to control the message in the event that the company decides to comply with the FBI.

Sarah Yerkes argued that fixing Tunisia’s terror program should begin at home.

Erica Gaston questioned whether the strikes on al Shabaab stretch the AUMF or the Unit Self-Defense Doctrine.

Paul Berman wrote about terrorism and the jauntiness that comes along with it.

Cody released the latest edition of the Lawfare Podcast, featuring Lisa Monaco’s address at the Council on Foreign Relations.

In Sunday’s Foreign Policy Essay, Zack Cooper and Eric Lorber commented on sanctioning China by using statecraft to shape Chinese behavior.

Julian Ku asked whether we could get past the freedom of navigation operation debate in regards to the South China Sea.

Benjamin Wittes debuted the latest version of Rational Security, “The Wingnuts and Wingmen” Edition.

Ellen Scholl provided us the newest edition of Hot Commodities, highlighting the latest energy news around the world.

David Bosco told us how the ICC selects its cases and provided an update on a new draft policy for case selection.

Jack and Ben invited us to the next Hoover Book Soiree that will feature Adam Segal and his new book, The Hacked World Order: How Nations Fight, Trade, Maneuver, and Manipulate in the Digital Age. Ben shared a video from the last Hoover Book Soiree featuring General Michael Hayden.

Finally, Paul asked if anyone was planning on traveling to Europe this summer and warned that if you are, your trip may be a tad bit harder than you thought.

And that was the week that was.

Alex McQuade was a national security intern at the Brookings Institution. He recently graduated with a master’s degree in Terrorism and Homeland Security Policy from American University. Alex holds a BA in National Security Studies and Justice and Law, also from American University.

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