Lawfare News

The Week that Was: All of Lawfare in One Post

Rishabh Bhandari
Saturday, August 27, 2016, 10:01 AM

Susan Hennessey organized a list of more than 230 women, who are experts in the fields of national security law and tech policy.

Charlie Dunlap argued that Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump may actually agree that the United States needs to be more aggressive in pursuing material support litigation.

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Susan Hennessey organized a list of more than 230 women, who are experts in the fields of national security law and tech policy.

Charlie Dunlap argued that Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump may actually agree that the United States needs to be more aggressive in pursuing material support litigation.

Elizabeth McElvein parsed through the latest polls to see how voters are viewing the national security credentials of Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton.

Suzanne Maloney reminded readers that the administration’s decision to use an outstanding financial settlement as leverage to facilitate a detainee swap with Iran should not discredit the White House’s Iran policy.

Bruce Ackerman attached a brief he authored with David Remes on behalf of Captain Nathan Smith, arguing that the United States’ ongoing operations against the Islamic State are illegal.

Katrina Sammour and Sean Yom examined Jordan’s educational system to understand why so many of its citizens are joining the Islamic Sate.

Charles Kels offered an alternative view of the Presidential Policy Guide on direct action against terrorist targets.

Daniel Rosenthal asserted that a close reading of the statute and its legislative history suggests that information collected under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act should be exempt from disclosure under FOIA.

Nick Weaver proposed a series of questions he’d like Congress to ask the NSA vis-à-vis the latest apparent hack on the agency. Nick also outlined the costs and limitations of using zero days.

Orin Kerr teased out the differences between taking a relative or absolute approach to determining what information constitutes content and what constitutes merely metadata.

Amanda Tyler flagged an editorial she published that shone a spotlight on the remarkable life of Mitsuye Endo, an unsung hero in the movement to close the Japanese internment camps during World War II.

James Kraska identified technical flaws in the Philippines-China international tribunal award.

Frederica Saini Fasanotti propounded that a confederal model might be the best way to save Libya’s fragile union.

Bruce Riedel queried whether Algeria’s ongoing project to build the world’s third-largest mosque is a sign that the country is abandoning its secular values.

Ellen Scholl scoured the globe to find regions where natural resources are driving geopolitics.

Benjamin Wittes posted the latest episode of Rational Security, wherein the gang discusses what it takes to be deemed worthy of a hack by Russian intelligence officials.

And on the Lawfare Podcast, Ben and Susan take reader questions in Twitter "Ask Us Anything":

And that was the week that was.

Rishabh Bhandari graduated from Yale College with degrees in History and Global Affairs. His senior thesis focused on the decision making of the Nixon administration in response to the 1971 Bengali Genocide. He is pursuing a doctorate in international relations at Oxford University.

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