Lawfare News

The Week That Will Be

Cody M. Poplin
Monday, September 28, 2015, 12:37 AM

Event Announcements (More details on the Events Calendar)

Published by The Lawfare Institute
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Event Announcements (More details on the Events Calendar)

Monday, September 28th at 3 pm: The Brookings Institution will host an event entitled Hidden People of North Korea: New Economy, Old Politics. Kongdan Oh will examine the current struggles of the North Korean people, while Katharine H.S. Moon will moderate the discussion. RSVP.

Tuesday, September 29th at 10 am: The House Armed Services Committee will hold a hearing to gather Outside Perspectives on the Department of Defense Cyber Strategy. Richard Bejtlich, Ian Wallace, Dominick Delfino, and Lara Schmidt will provide testimony. Watch the hearing live on the committee's website.

Tuesday, September 29th at 2 pm: The House Committee on Foreign Affairs will host a hearing on U.S. Counterterrorism Efforts in Syria: A Winning Strategy? General Jack Keane, Thomas Joscelyn, and Daniel Benjamin will provide testimony. More information is available on the committee's website.

Wednesday, September 30th from 9 am - 4 pm: At the Ritz-Carlton, the Middle East Institute will host its third annual conference on Egypt. Three expert panels will examine Egypt's political situation, domestic and regional security challenges, and economic and human development priorities. The conference is free and open to the public. MEI has more information, including the conference agenda and speaker bios.

Thursday, October 1st at 12:15 pm: At the New America Foundation, New York Times reporter Scott Shane will discuss his new book on the life and eventual death of Anwar al Awlaki entitled Objective Troy: A Terrorist, a President, and the Rise of the Drone. Peter Bergen will moderate the event. RSVP.

Friday, October 2nd at 10 am: The Heritage Foundation will host a roundtable discussion on Taiwan in the South China Sea and how China's massive land reclamation and expansive territorial claims in the region will affect Taiwanese security. The panel will include Dustin Kuan-Hsiung Wang, Lynn Kuok, Paul Giarra, and Dean Cheng; Walter Lohman will moderate the discussion. Register here.

Employment Announcements (More details on the Job Board)

Global Governance Futures Fellowship

The Global Governance Futures – Robert Bosch Foundation Multilateral Dialogues program (GGF) is bringing together 25 young professionals to look ahead at the year 2027 and recommend ways to address key global challenges. Building on previous rounds of the program (GGF 2020, 2022 and 2025), the upcoming GGF 2027 will assemble 25 fellows from China, Germany, India, Japan and the United States (five from each country) to form three working groups that focus on data governance, global health and transnational terrorism, respectively.

Over the course of 2016 and 2017, the fellows will meet in four dialogue sessions that take place in the five participating countries. The fellows will receive training in the GGF scenario planning methodology. Challenged with different perspectives from other parts of the world, the fellows will have the opportunity to exchange ideas with experts and policymakers in the participating countries. In their working groups, the fellows will produce possible scenarios leading to 2027 and develop policy ideas for effective and accountable governance. Take a look at the most recent round of GGF dialogue sessions.

The four dialogue sessions (five to eight days each) will take place in Washington, DC (May 8-12, 2016), Tokyo and Beijing (September 2016), New Delhi (January 2017) and Berlin (May 2017). The exact dates for the subsequent three dialogue session will be determined closer to the sessions.

The GGF fellows will disseminate the results of their working group discussions through reports, op-eds in major publications and high-profile presentations.

Download the application form, and apply by midnight Pacific Time on November 15, 2015

For more for information on application requirements and timeline, visit the GGF website.

Senior Fellow, Cybersecurity Research

The Company:
FireEye has invented a purpose-built, virtual machine-based security platform that provides real-time threat protection to enterprises and governments worldwide against the next generation of cyber attacks. These highly sophisticated cyber attacks easily circumvent traditional signature-based defenses, such as next-generation firewalls, IPS, anti-virus, and gateways. The FireEye Threat Prevention Platform provides real-time, dynamic threat protection without the use of signatures to protect an organization across the primary threat vectors and across the different stages of an attack life cycle. The core of the FireEye platform is a virtual execution engine, complemented by dynamic threat intelligence, to identify and block cyber attacks in real time. FireEye has over 3,100 customers across 67 countries, including over 200 of the Fortune 500.
The Role:
FireEye Threat Intelligence is seeking an individual with a record of innovative thought about the business consequences of cybersecurity incidents. The successful candidate is a published subject matter expert who examines the effects of network breaches, legal ramifications for companies dealing with intrusions, and explores the intersection of cybersecurity, risk management, and business impact. The candidate excels at conveying his thoughts and findings in a variety of formats: from op-eds to research reports to keynote speech writing.
  • Develop expository pieces that highlight the broader implications of cyber activity Conduct research on topics that will amplify industry’s understanding of the consequences of cyber threats
  • Utilize quantitative and qualitative methodologies to rigorously conduct research and test hypotheses
  • Build and maintain relationships with relevant thought leaders in academia, business, law and policy
  • Brief audiences including senior executives, media professionals, industry analysts
  • Published expert on security, technology, law, business risk, or a closely related field
  • Demonstrated expertise in issues related to cybersecurity
  • Demonstrated independent research capacity
  • Ability to generate research questions and further industry thought
  • Ability to set and manage expectations with key stake-holders and team members
  • Ability to communicate and establish rapport with a global team
  • Ability to prioritize and execute with minimal direction or oversight
Additional Qualifications:
  • Master's, JD or other advanced degree preferred
  • Willing to travel occasionally

Apply here.

Cody Poplin is a student at Yale Law School. Prior to law school, Cody worked at the Brookings Institution and served as an editor of Lawfare. He graduated from the UNC-Chapel Hill in 2012 with degrees in Political Science & Peace, War, and Defense.

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