• Cort Thompson served in several roles in the U.S. Army, including as a judge advocate, a military intelligence officer, and an enlisted MQ-5B Hunter UAS operator and mission commander. His publication in...
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  • Matt Fitzgerald served as an infantry officer and judge advocate in the U.S. Army. His work has been featured in War on the Rocks, the Modern War Institute at West Point, the Harvard National Security Jo...
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  • Douglas Ligor is a senior behavioral/social scientist at RAND and former attorney for the departments of Justice and Homeland Security.
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  • Daniel M. Gerstein works at the nonprofit, nonpartisan RAND Corporation and is an adjunct professor at American University. He served on the Holbrooke delegation that negotiated the peace settlement in B...
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  • Dr. Farzaneh Badiei is the founder of Digital Medusa, an initiative that focuses on protecting the core values of our global digital space with sound governance. For the past decade, Dr Badiei has direct...
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  • Laura Edelson is a Postdoctoral Researcher in Computer Science at New York University where she co-directs the Cybersecurity for Democracy project. She studies the spread of misinformation and other form...
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  • John Lechner is an analyst concentrating on the politics of Russia, Turkey and African nations, with a special focus on conflict in the Central African Republic. Previously, he worked as part of the U.S....
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  • Jalel Harchaoui is an analyst specializing in North Africa. He has written extensively on the Libyan crisis’ international dimension in Foreign Affairs, Politique Étrangère, Small Arms Survey, War on the...
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  • Kai Wiggins holds a J.D. from Stanford Law School and a B.A. in Religion from Middlebury College. He is a former policy analyst at the Arab American Institute.
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  • Albert W. Alschuler is the Julius Kreeger Professor of Criminal Law and Criminology Emeritus at The University of Chicago Law School.
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  • Andrew Hayashi is an expert in tax law, tax policy and behavioral law and economics, and serves as director of the Virginia Center for Tax Law. He joined the University of Virginia School of Law's facult...
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  • Susan Markham is a partner at Smash Strategies, a strategic advisory firm helping businesses, non-profit organizations and philanthropists who want to leverage their commitment to empowering women and gi...
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  • John Conger is senior advisor to the Council on Strategic Risks, director emeritus of the Center for Climate and Security and a senior U.S. Advisor to the International Military Council on Climate and Se...
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  • Kiernan Christ is a student in the School of Foreign Service at Georgetown University. She is an editor-in-chief of the Georgetown Journal of International Affairs.
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  • Tanner Larkin is a second-year student at Columbia Law School. He holds a Bachelor of Science in Foreign Service from Georgetown University. The views expressed here are solely his own, and do not reflec...
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  • Jeremy Neufeld is a senior immigration fellow at the Institute for Progress where he leads the immigration policy portfolio.
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  • Philip Zelikow is the White Burkett Miller Professor of History at the University of Virginia. He has practiced law and served in various government positions, including as the executive director of the...
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  • Emily Skahill is a Master of Law and Technology student at the Georgetown University Law Center, where she studies privacy and cybersecurity law and policy. She graduated from Brown University with a deg...
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  • Kim Peretti is a partner and co-leader of Alston & Bird's Privacy, Cyber & Data Strategy Team and National Security & Digital Crimes Team. Kim is the former director of PwC’s cyber forensic services grou...
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  • Liane Young is a professor of psychology at Boston College.
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