Chenny Zhang

Chenny Zhang is an investor at In-Q-Tel, the strategic investment firm for U.S. national security agencies, where she invests in life sciences, microelectronics, and communications startups. Prior to In-Q-Tel, Chenny served as the China portfolio lead at the Pentagon's Defense Innovation Board (DIB), where she supported the AI ethics principles project, 5G report, and other initiatives. Before the DIB, Chenny was co-founder of an edtech software startup in Beijing, overseeing fundraising, product development, and technical support. Prior to that, Chenny was a program manager at Cisco Systems. Chenny was a 2020 Next Gen National Security Fellow at the Center for a New American Security and a 2022 Emerging Leaders in Biosecurity Fellow at the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security. Chenny received an MA in International Economics with a minor in China Studies from the Johns Hopkins University, and a BA from Boston College.