Lawfare News

The Week That Will Be

Jordan Brunner
Monday, March 13, 2017, 1:44 PM

Event Announcements (More details on the Events Calendar)

Monday, March 13th at 2pm: James Kirchick will launch his new book, entitled The End of Europe: Dictators, Demagogues, and the Coming Dark Age at the Brookings Institution. Register here.

Published by The Lawfare Institute
in Cooperation With

Event Announcements (More details on the Events Calendar)

Monday, March 13th at 2pm: James Kirchick will launch his new book, entitled The End of Europe: Dictators, Demagogues, and the Coming Dark Age at the Brookings Institution. Register here.

Monday, March 13th at 5:15pm: The American Enterprise Institute will host a discussion on Negotiating Trade Authority: Remarks by Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) on the Division of Congressional and Executive Powers. RSVP here.

Tuesday, March 14th at 9am: The United States Institute of Peace will hold a day-long session on Peace and Conflict in Burma. Register here.

Tuesday, March 14th at 10:30am: The Atlantic Council will host a panel discussion on A New Western Strategy To Counter Putin’s Russia. Carol Lee will moderate. Register here, or watch the webcast here.

Tuesday, March 14th at 11am: Sharon Weinberger will discuss her new book, The Imagineers of War: The Untold Story of DARPA, the Pentagon Agency That Changed the World, with Richard Whittle at the Wilson Center. RSVP here.

Wednesday, March 15th at 9am: The American Enterprise Institute will host a panel on The Defense Budget And Emergency War Spending: Does It Help More Than It Hurts? Mackenzie Eaglen will moderate. RSVP here.

Wednesday, March 15th at 12pm: Ibrahim Yahaya Ibrahim will present his research compiled as a result of extensive fieldwork on Jihadism In The North, Islamism In The South: The New Dynamics Of Islamic Activism In Mali at John Hopkins SAIS. More information is available here.

Thursday, March 16th at 10am: The George Washington University Law School will host a morning and an afternoon panel on A More Perfect Internet: Addressing Digital Incivility, Cyber-Violence, And "Fake News". Register here.

Thursday, March 16th at 1pm: A panel including General Raymond Odierno, Michael O’Hanlon, Mitchell Landrieu, and Colombian Ambassador Carlos Pinzón will have a conversation on Securing Global Cities. Amy Liu will moderate. RSVP here.

Friday, March 17th at 8:300am: The Atlantic Council will host Congressman Adam Kinzinger On America’s Role In The Middle East And The World. Ambassador Frederic Hof will moderate. Register here, or watch the webcast here.

Calls for Papers

Call for Papers for the 2017 Lieber Society Richard R. Baxter Military Writing Prize

Since 2007, the Lieber Society on the Law of Armed Conflict, an interest group of the American Society of International Law, has annually recognized a paper that significantly enhances the understanding and implementation of the law of war has. The Richard R. Baxter Military Prize is awarded for exceptional writing in English by an active member of the regular or reserve armed forces, regardless of nationality. The Prize. The winner will receive a certificate confirming that he or she has won the 2017 Lieber Society Richard R. Baxter Military Prize and a one-year membership in the American Society of International Law (ASIL). The judges may also select additional persons to receive Lieber Society Richard R. Baxter Military Prize Certificates of Merit.

Request for Assistance. Any person receiving this Call for Papers who is aware of exceptional writing that meets the qualifications of this competition is requested to nominate the paper directly to the Lieber Society and forward this Call to the author of that paper.

Definition of the Law of War. For this competition, the Law of War is that part of international law that regulates the conduct of armed hostilities. Papers may address any aspect of the law of war, including, but not limited to the use of force in international law; the conduct of hostilities during international and non-international armed conflicts; protected persons and protected objects; the law of weapons; rules of engagement; treatment of detainees, to include interrogation procedures; and occupation law. Papers addressing practical problems confronting members of armed forces are preferred.

Qualifications for entering the competition. Persons submitting papers do not have to be ASIL members. They may be citizens of any nation, but they must be an active member of a nation’s regular or reserve armed forces.

Papers that may be entered. Papers submitted in this competition must be in English (or translated into English if written in another language). Paper length may not exceed 35 pages if written with single line spacing or 70 pages if written with double line spacing, including footnotes. Paper size must be either 8.5 x 11 or A4, with all margins at least one inch and at least 12 point font. Both papers that have been published and papers that have not been published will be considered for the Baxter Prize.

Required Contact Data. All submissions must contain the following data on the author of the paper: full name and military rank or rating, current postal and e-mail addresses, and current telephone number. If a person other than the author is making the submission, it must also contain the above data for the person submitting the paper.

Deadline for submitting papers. Papers for the 2017 competition must be received no later than Friday, March 17th, 2017.

Use of email to submit papers. Electronic submissions in Adobe format (.pdf) or Microsoft Word (.doc) are preferred. They should be sent to Lieber Military Prize Coordinator Chris Jenks at

Use of the postal system to submit papers. Submissions by postal mail should be sent to: Chris Jenks, SMU Dedman School of Law, PO Box 750116, Dallas Texas 75275-0116

Acknowledgement of submissions. All submissions will be acknowledged by e-mail.

Announcement of winner. The winner and any persons receiving Certificates of Merit will be announced at the Annual Meeting of the American Society of International Law in Washington, DC, April 12-15, 2017.

Call for Papers - National Security Law Writing Competition

The Judge Advocate General's School (AFJAGS), in partnership with the Air Force JAG School Foundation, Inc., is pleased to announce a call for papers for its second annual National Security Law writing competition.

The topic of this year's competition is Autonomous Systems in the Air Force. In June 2015, the Office of the Chief Scientist of the Air Force produced a vision document for the integration of autonomous systems into the Air Force over the next 30 years. This document envisions an Air Force where Airmen and autonomous systems work together as a team to meet a variety of challenges currently facing the United States, such as cyber-attacks, anti-access/area denial strategies, and attacks on space-based assets. Authors should prepare works contemplating the legal challenges associated with the use of both lethal and non-lethal autonomous systems.

The competition is open to all U.S. and international law school students and graduates. The author of the first-place winning entry will receive a cash prize of $2,000 provided by the Air Force JAG School Foundation, Inc. The author of the second-place winning entry will receive a cash prize of $1,000 provided by the Air Force JAG School Foundation, Inc. All works submitted will be considered for publication in The Air Force Law Review.

All papers must be received no later than 1630 central time on 15 April 2017 to be considered for a prize. Papers will be evaluated by a prestigious panel of subject matter experts, to be led by Judge James E. Baker, former Chief Judge of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces and current Chair of the American Bar Association Standing Committee on Law and National Security.

Interested authors will find a complete copy of the rules and regulations for this competition, to include formatting requirements and evaluation criteria, at the link below. Rules and Regulations for Competition:

Employment Announcements (More details on the Job Board)

Transatlantic Digital Debates Fellow

The Transatlantic Digital Debates (TDD) program is a joint initiative of the Global Public Policy Institute (GPPi) (GPPi) and New America that brings together young professionals from Germany and the United States to work on the key challenges that sit at the intersection of technology and policy. For the second round of the program, we seek 18 participants from civil society, academia, politics, and business who are willing to engage with and challenge each other’s ideas concerning the future of the digital economy and cybersecurity in Europe and the US.

The fellows will have the opportunity to debate and discuss their ideas with leading experts and practitioners from different sectors. At the end of the program, they will emerge with a broader understanding of the pressing issues defining transatlantic relations in the coming years and with new ideas on how to tackle the respective challenges. We hope that our fellows, together with the TDD alumni, will form a strong network of future decision-makers in the US and Germany.

Over the course of 2017, the fellows will meet for two weeklong dialogue sessions in Germany and in the US. Discussions will take place around two main issue areas: innovation and regulation in the digital economy, as well as key challenges of cybersecurity, privacy and the transformation of the public sphere. The two dialogue sessions will take place in Berlin and Hamburg (May 28-June 3, 2017) and in Washington, DC and Austin (November 4-11, 2017).

In between the sessions, the TDD fellows will disseminate the results of their work through blog posts, op-eds, podcasts, high-profile discussions, and policy breakfasts.

The application deadline is March 19, 2017, 23:59 Central European Time (CET).

Application Requirements

Interested applicants must:

  • Be a citizen of Germany or the United States.
  • Have at least three years of professional experience.
  • Be 35 or younger as of May 28, 2017.
  • Demonstrate a strong interest in internet and technology policy and in addressing emerging global challenges.
  • Have an outstanding academic record and an excellent command of English.
  • Demonstrate commitment, motivation, and leadership.
  • Be able to attend both sessions of the program. Successful candidates will be asked to provide written confirmation from their employers agreeing to the time commitment.

Please submit your application as a single PDF file. Your application package must include:

  • Your curriculum vitae (including date of birth, nationality, professional experience, academic background, language skills, and extracurricular activities).
  • A letter of motivation explaining why you want to join the Transatlantic Digital Debates. Please refer to instances in which you have demonstrated interest and/or professional experience in the program’s topics, and how your participation in the program would further your professional and personal development.
  • Optional: one letter of recommendation (can be sent in a separate email).

Please send your application to by March 19, 2017, 23:59 Central European Time (CET). Interested applicants (and their employers) are welcome to contact the program team with questions at the email address above.

The selection process will be administered by GPPi in close consultation with New America and the steering committee. The applications of short-listed candidates will be sent to the steering committee for final selection. Successful candidates will be notified the latest by April 21, 2017.

Please note that we are not able to discuss unsuccessful applications.

The program will pay for travel, accommodation, and meals. Each fellow must pay a one-time participation fee of €200.

The Transatlantic Digital Debates are organized by the Global Public Policy Institute (GPPi) in Berlin and New America in Washington, DC, with guidance from a steering committee of experts from a range of stakeholder groups. The program is generously supported by the Transatlantic Program of the German Federal Government, with funding from the European Recovery Program (ERP) of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy. Additional support is provided by the Bertelsmann Foundation North America.

Deputy Legal Advisor

International Committee of the Red Cross

Regional Delegation for the United States and Canada

Resident position based in Washington D.C

(Only US citizen or Green Card holders may apply)


The main purpose of this position is to provide legal advice and analysis to the delegation on matters of International Humanitarian Law (IHL)/Law of Armed Conflict (LOAC) and U.S. domestic law, to support the ICRC’s mission in the United States and Canada. This includes not only supporting the delegation in its bilateral and confidential dialogue with the authorities on such issues as conduct of hostilities, cyber warfare and other military doctrine, but also public outreach to civil society through regular participation in conferences, panels, and other fora. The chosen applicant must demonstrate a strong commitment to humanitarian principles and international law.


Under hierarchical supervision of the Washington Legal Advisor, the Deputy Legal Advisor provides legal and policy advice to the ICRC Regional Delegation for the US and Canada in Washington DC, and contributes to the implementation of its objectives, including by supporting its humanitarian operations and by advancing the organization's positions in the field of IHL.

More specifically he/she

  • provides legal advice to all the Departments of the Regional Delegation on matters of domestic law, IHL and other relevant international standards
  • provides legal support to ICRC detention visits and other field operations
  • monitors, analyses and comments on developments of US law and policy pertaining to national security and other relevant areas of humanitarian concern
  • contributes to the drafting of the reporting of the ICRC and conveys its institutional positions in bilateral meetings with Government representatives
  • provides legal input to the public communication of the Regional Delegation; drafts and edits articles on IHL issues
  • discusses IHL with various audiences and represents the ICRC in conferences and public events
  • maintains and expands the network of contacts of the Regional delegation in the legal community, notably in the executive (including the military) and legislative branches, civil society and academia
  • some domestic and international travel required


  • J.D. from accredited US law school
  • Expertise in IHL (in particular re conduct of hostilities and weapons regulation would be an asset)
  • At least 5 years post-J.D. experience
  • Legal experience within the US defense or national security sector (JAG experience preferred)
  • Familiarity with international human rights law
  • Commitment to neutral and independent humanitarian action
  • Excellent representation skills and at ease in negotiations with senior personnel
  • Team player with an enthusiasm for working in a multicultural environment
  • Excellent professional oral and written English
  • French and/or Spanish as a working language desirable


  • Be aware of the delegation's objectives and activities
  • Understand the three components of the Red Cross & Red Crescent Movement
  • Apply the delegation's security rules at all times
  • Respect and observe staff regulations of the ICRC
  • The employee may be asked to perform duties and tasks not covered in this job description as well as to provide support to other departments when necessary

Desired beginning of assignment April 1, 2017.

Further information about this post may be obtained by contacting Andrea Harrison at

Applications should be submitted to Laure Macabrey no later than March 17th, 2017.

Lawfare Summer Internship


This academic focused summer internship, beginning June 2017, is an opportunity for undergraduate students in their junior or senior year or graduate students with an interest in national security to apply principles and theory learned in the classroom in a professional environment. This intern will assist with running and maintaining, a website devoted to serious, non-ideological discussion of national security legal and policy issues.

Lawfare has emerged as the internet’s indispensable resource for information and analysis on the law of national security. Devoted to “Hard National Security Choices,” the site features top-quality writing and analysis from experts on developing stories in the national security arena, relevant legislation, and judicial opinions. It is a digital magazine that includes a podcast, a book review, research tools, a daily news roundup, an events calendar, and exhaustive coverage of events other media touch only glancingly.

This unpaid internship provides a pre-professional learning experience that offers meaningful, practical work experience related to the student’s field of study or career interest. It will provide an opportunity for career exploration and development as well as a chance to learn new skills.


Learning Objectives

Students will have an opportunity learn a variety of research skills such as writing, research and blog maintenance. Learning will fall into three main categories:


  • Work with Associate Editor to monitor national security and foreign policy developments, and 3-4 times per week, co-write “Today’s Headlines and Commentary.”
  • Work with Associate Editor to co-write “The Week that Will Be,” a weekly feature that outlines upcoming events, academic announcements, and employment announcements.
  • Work with the Associate Editor to co-write a deep-dive analytical piece on a relevant national security law and policy issue.
  • Sole-author “The Week that Was,” a weekly piece that provides a guide to the week’s Lawfare content.


  • Provide research support to the Lawfare editorial team as needed.

Maintaining the blog:

  • Tag and categorize Lawfare posts
  • Track relevant Congressional hearings
  • Track and add relevant events to the Events Calendar

Interns will have the opportunity to attend internal meetings, local think tank events, professional development workshops, and public Brookings events as well as participate on Brookings sports teams and network with other interns throughout the Institution.



Graduate or undergraduate student (who has completed their sophomore year) working towards a degree in government, political science, international relations, and law are encouraged to apply. Our most successful interns have very strong writing, analytical, and research skills, as well as excellent verbal and organizational skills—preferably demonstrated through prior independent research or previous experience as a research assistant.

Additional Information:

Successful completion of a background investigation is required for interning at Brookings.

Brookings requires that all applicants submit a cover letter and resume. Please submit your resume as instructed and add your cover letter as an attachment when you apply. Your cover letter should highlight your educational experience and skills, along with an explanation of how this internship will contribute to your professional goals.

Brookings is an equal-opportunity employer that is committed to promoting a diverse and inclusive workplace. We welcome applications from all qualified individuals regardless of race, color, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, age, religion, physical or mental disability, marital status, veteran status, or other factors protected by law.

UT-Austin Postdoctoral Fellowship in Intelligence Studies

The Intelligence Studies Project at the University of Texas-Austin will award a postdoctoral fellowship in intelligence studies to a promising young scholar for the 2017-2018 academic year. This unique fellowship is intended to support the next generation of scholars and educators in the field of intelligence.

Applicants from all academic disciplines whose research bears on national security intelligence are welcome to apply. International candidates are eligible and encouraged to apply. The successful applicant will be expected to work on research and writing projects of their own design, while taking advantage of the academic resources available at UT-Austin. The Fellow will be expected to play an active role in programs and activities organized by the ISP, the Clements Center for National Security and the Strauss Center for International Security and Law. The Fellow accepted for this program will be offered a competitive stipend, full use of UT facilities, and workspace. Depending upon qualifications and interest, the Fellow may have the opportunity to teach a course at UT-Austin. The fellowship appointment is for one year, but in an exceptional case may be renewed for a second year.

To apply:

• Complete and submit the online application at; and

• Send graduate school transcripts and three letters of recommendation directly from your university and your recommenders to

Deadlines: Applications are due on March 1, 2017. (Please note that applicants must have received their doctorate by August 14, 2017, the date the fellowship will commence.)

More information: To request additional information, please write to

About the sponsor:

The Intelligence Studies Project was established in 2013 as a partnership between UT’s Clements Center for National Security and the Robert S. Strauss Center for International Security and Law out of a conviction that the activities of the U.S. Intelligence Community were increasingly critical to safeguarding our national security and yet were understudied at universities. The ISP aims to develop at the University of Texas-Austin a premier center for the study of U.S. Intelligence through a variety of programs including new course offerings, research projects, periodic conferences, and other public events focused on intelligence topics. To learn more about ISP, please visit the website at

Tenure-Line Faculty Position in Cybersecurity Governance and Risk Management, Kogod School of Business at American University

The Department of Information Technology invites applications for a tenure-line faculty position at an open rank in cybersecurity governance and risk management for Academic Year 2017-18 (beginning August 21, 2017), subject to final budgetary approval.

Background. The Kogod School of Business has made a major commitment to be a world thought leader in cybersecurity governance and enterprise risk management. The school has established an academic research center (Kogod Cybersecurity Governance Center), is offering courses in the cybersecurity management area, and is pursuing new opportunities in cybersecurity education.

Qualifications. Earned doctorate in business (information systems) or a related field or anticipated completion of a doctorate by August 21, 2017. Demonstrably successful record in teaching business courses in information systems or a related field. Ability to conduct research in cybersecurity that will lead to publications in premier journals.

Responsibilities. Teach cybersecurity courses at the graduate and undergraduate levels in on-the-ground and on-line formats. Develop new programs and courses in cybersecurity education for corporate boards, managers, and employees. Create knowledge in the area of cybersecurity through rigorous research. Build the visibility and reputation of the school in cybersecurity in the business, policy, and scholarly communities. Participate in department, school, and university activities.

Application. Review of applications will begin immediately and will continue until the position is filled. An application must include a cover letter, a current and complete curriculum vitae, three letters of recommendation, and copies of all teaching evaluations. Application materials should be submitted electronically through Interfolio.

Requests for information should be directed to:

Ms. Takei Roach

Academic Affairs Coordinator

Kogod School of Business

American University

4400 Massachusetts Ave, NW Washington, DC 20016-8044

For more information on the Kogod School of Business, consult

For more information on the Kogod Cybersecurity Governance Center, consult

American University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action institution that operates in compliance with applicable laws and regulations. The university does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex (including pregnancy), age, sexual orientation, disability, marital status, personal appearance, gender identity and expression, family responsibilities, political affiliation, source of income, veteran status, an individual’s genetic information or any other bases under federal or local laws (collectively “Protected Bases”) in its programs and activities. American University is a tobacco and smoke free campus.

Law Student Volunteer

Organization: Department of Justice

Department: Office of Law and Policy, National Security Division

About the Office:

The National Security Division's (NSD) Office of Law and Policy, United States Department of Justice, seeks interns for positions located in Washington, D.C. The mission of NSD is to coordinate the Department's efforts in carrying out its top priority of preventing and combating terrorism and protecting the national security. NSD provides legal and policy advice on national security matters, litigates counterterrorism, counterespionage, and foreign intelligence surveillance matters, represents the Government before the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court and other federal trial and appellate courts, and conducts oversight over Federal Bureau of Investigation national security investigations and foreign intelligence collection. The Office of Law and Policy is responsible for, among other things, resolving novel and complex legal issues relating to national security that arise from the work of the Division and other parts of the Department; providing advice and guidance to Department leadership, the Intelligence Community, and other Executive Branch agencies on matters of national security law and policy; overseeing the development of legislation, guidelines, and other policies in the area of national security; working with foreign governments on a variety of national security issues; and handling appeals that arise in national security cases. The Office works with a variety of other Department components, including the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Office of Legal Counsel, and the Office of Legal Policy, as well as other departments and agencies, such as the National Security Agency, the Central Intelligence Agency, the Department of Defense, and the Department of State.

Job Description:

Intern projects include: researching legal questions, drafting memoranda or other legal and policy analysis, factual research, and assisting with presentations and supporting materials.


Open to all law students. Applicants must be able to obtain and maintain a security clearance. Applicants must be enrolled in an accredited U.S. law school at the time of application and throughout their internship. Strong research and writing skills are required. Prior interest or experience in the area of national security would be useful, but is not required. By the time of the internship, all applicants must have taken one or more of the following courses: Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure, or Constitutional Law. Additional courses addressing criminal law and litigation or national security or intelligence law, would also be helpful.


Internships are unpaid. If your school offers interns academic or work study, we will work with you to meet school requirements whenever possible.

Application Process:

Brief cover letter, resume with two references, transcript (official or unofficial), and a writing sample (not to exceed ten pages). Please submit these materials as one pdf, ATTN: Intern Program Coordinator (Office of Law and Policy), via email to

For applications for spring 2017, the subject line should read: [LAST NAME] - L&P Spring 2017 Internship Application. For applications for fall 2017, the subject line should read: [LAST NAME] – L&P Fall 2017 Internship application.

Paper or faxed applications will not be considered.

Application Deadline:

Spring 2017 – September 15, 2016

Fall 2017 – April 1, 2017

Jordan A. Brunner is a graduate of the Sandra Day O’Connor College of Law at Arizona State University, and was a national security intern at the Brookings Institution. Prior to law school, he was a Research Fellow with the New America Foundation/ASU Center for the Future of War, where he researched cybersecurity, cyber war, and cyber conflict alongside Shane Harris, author of @War: The Rise of the Military-Internet Complex. He graduated summa cum laude from Arizona State University with a B.S. in Political Science.