Lunch ends and our proceedings resume.
Judge Pohl does so with a few logistical notes. Our marching orders later today may depend on witnesses' video tele-conference (VTC) scheduling; the parties thus c...
David Nevin stands and says he recently received some documents--evidently copies of emails--regarding CAPT Welsh, our next witness, and his intended testimony on AE133. The lawyer wants to read these b...
Prosecutor Clay Trivett questions Elkins, turning first to his professional qualifications.
The Smallwood Screen comes alive, with Judge James Pohl seated at the familiar, authority-emanating bench. A glow likewise surrounds the wall’s JTF insignia; it seems to say, “let us reconvene and discu...
The distraction of the NDAA and the drone controversy led me to miss two other important lawfare developments in December: the Obama Administration asserted immunity for foreign government official defen...
At 9:01, Judge Pohl takes the bench, authority-emanating robes and all. All parties are present, including the five accused. Prosecutor Robert Swann notes the continued presence of FBI personnel and an...
John Bellinger makes note in his post below that that Obama administration faces increasing organized NGO, activist-advocacy, and European pushback on drone warfare, and he cites today's front page NYT s...
There's been a fair amount of buzz over the past few days centered around the idea of a statutory "drone court"--a tribunal modeled after the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) that would (pr...
Georgetown professor Anthony Clark Arend - old friend to many of us at Lawfare - has a new short post on whether judicial oversight of drones would be a good idea - or constitutional.
Speaking of the John Brennan confirmation hearing, here's the video, courtesy of CSPAN:
John Bellinger and Christoper Anders of the ACLU this morning had a discussion of John Brennan's testimony, drone strikes, and the administration's legal positions on CSPAN's Washington Journal this morn...
NPR's Weekend Edition ran the following extended interview with me this morning on the subject of drone strikes, the White Paper, and the administration's legal views more generally. It isn't anything ne...