The Lawfare Podcast: Hal Brands on Lessons from the Cold War
Rational Security 2.0: The 'C'mon Neil' Edition
Are Judges Showing Their Political Colors in the Jan. 6 Criminal Cases?
A Washington Post analysis suggested that the sentences of Jan. 6 Capitol Riot defendants may reflect political bias on the part of the judges handling these cases. -
Lawfare Live: Discussion on The Oathkeepers
This Thursday, 11am, the Lawfare team - including Quinta Jurecic, Jacob Schulz, Alan Z. Rozenshtein, and Roger Parloff - will discuss the recent events regarding the Oathkeepers and January 6. -
Today’s Headlines and Commentary
Lawfare’s daily roundup of national security news and opinion. -
The Week That Will Be
Lawfare's weekly roundup of event announcements and employment opportunities. -
The Lawfare Podcast: What Happens When Congress Investigates Itself?
Home for the Holidays? The Global Implications of a State-Level Cyberattack
The MDH hack exposes how vulnerabilities in public data supply chains have the potential to impact the information available to decision-makers in times of national and international crises and normal op... -
Why Did Russia Escalate Its Gray Zone Conflict in Ukraine?
Russia's troop movements demonstrate the limits of its model of limited war. -
Seditious Conspiracy: What to Make of the Latest Oath Keepers Indictment
The indictment sets out the most serious criminal charge yet used against any of the Capitol rioters, but it also shows the limits of the criminal law in responding to Jan. 6. -
Today’s Headlines and Commentary
Lawfare’s daily roundup of national security news and opinion. -
The Lawfare Podcast: Trouble in Ukraine and Kazakhstan
Insurers Stake Out Their Ground for Covering State Cyber Attacks
The heart of the challenge facing insurers is not necessarily the quantum of loss that might arise from cyber events, but rather the uncertainty that attaches to it. -
Today’s Headlines and Commentary
Lawfare’s daily roundup of national security news and opinion. -
Oath Keepers Founder Charged With Seditious Conspiracy for Jan. 6 Attack on U.S. Capitol
The Lawfare Podcast: Podcasts Are the Laboratories of Misinformation
The Chatter Podcast: Spy Movies with John Sipher
Securing Taiwan Requires Immediate Unprecedented Cyber Action
The U.S. needs to act now to secure the technological dimensions of a looming Taiwan crisis, or risk losing far more than the island. -
The Cyberlaw Podcast: The FTC Jumps Into Log4j Cleanup With One Foot
Rethinking the Press in an Era of Distrust
A review of Matt Carlson, Seth C. Lewis, and Sue Robinson, “News After Trump: Journalism’s Crisis of Relevance in a Changed Media Culture” (Oxford University Press, 2021).
More Articles
The Situation: Unilateral Disarmament in the Information Wars
It’s easy to understand why Trump is destroying Voice of America. -
The Narrative Purpose of Climate Change Litigation
Why the highly coveted courtroom win is not the only path to victory for climate case campaigners. -
Escalation: A Podcast History of U.S.-Ukraine Relations Event
Watch the discussion.