What Biden’s Debt Relief Plan Actually Does—and How It Is Tailored to Respond to the Pandemic
Skepticism of emergency authority should not scuttle Biden’s debt relief plan. -
No More Legal ‘Gatekeepers’? Plans to Downgrade the Status of Government Legal Advisors in Israel
Government legal advisers play an important role in upholding the rule of law in Israel. Pla -
Reducing Government Overclassification of National Security Information
To rectify the widespread overclassification of government documents, policymakers might con -
Reading the Tea Leaves in Fulton County
Today’s release from the special purpose grand jury report suggests a spare document that does little more than provide a list of who should be charged for what. -
Afghanistan as a Site of U.S.-China Competition
The Taliban’s struggle to provide security after the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan in 202 -
Rational Security: The 'All Blow’d Up' Edition
Chatter: Former National Security Advisor Steve Hadley's Reflections on Presidential Transitions
The Lawfare Podcast: Karen J. Greenberg on the Intertwined Stories of Saifullah and Uzair Paracha
Judge Publishes Parts of Fulton County Special Purpose Grand Jury's Final Report
The partial release includes concerns that some unnamed witnesses may have lied under oath during their testimony. -
The Fight Over Judicial Appointments in Israel
Part three in a series examining the sweeping legal and judicial reforms proposed by Israel's new government. -
Congress Should Repeal and Replace JASTA
ChinaTalk: BalloonTalk: Alien Valentine Edition