President Biden’s Immigration Executive Actions: A Recap
This guide describes the scope and context of Biden’s early immigration executive actions, outlines where their effect is limited, and emphasizes where more action is needed. -
The Lawfare Podcast: Chris Wray vs. the Committee with No Bull
Beyond Economic Espionage
Foreign intelligence services aren’t simply stealing valuable assets to help their businesses—they’re engaging in an assortment of activities to ensure their countries dominate economically. -
The National Security Law Podcast: Sparkly Rainbow Snowboots!
Fault Lines: This is How They Tell Me The World Ends with Nicole Perlroth
The latest episode of Fault Lines -
Senate Joint Hearing on Jan. 6 Attack: Part II
House Hearing on Capitol Police Budget Request for Fiscal 2022
Embracing Foreign Affairs Federalism in a Post-Trump Era
Subnational governments are the frontline responders to many of the foreign affairs challenges the global community faces. The Biden-Harris administration should embrace localities as critical force mul... -
Today’s Headlines and Commentary
Lawfare’s daily roundup of national security news and opinion -
The Lawfare Podcast: Rosa Brooks on American Policing
Back to the Future for Section 230 Reform
The notice and takedown system rejected in 1997 might be a way forward. -
The Cyberlaw Podcast: When Will Cyberattacks on the Grid Become the New Normal?