The Fortnight That Was: All of Lawfare in One Post
Your summary of everything on the site over the past two weeks. -
ChinaTalk: Great Power Competition with Richard Danzig
The Lawfare Podcast: Dr. Geoffrey Gresh on 'To Rule Eurasia's Waves'
In Pakistan, a Tale of Two Very Different Political Movements
Pakistan’s two newest political disrupters could not be more different. Here’s why that matters. -
ChinaTalk: DIU's Michael Brown on U.S.-China Tech Competition
Rational Security: The 'F--- This Year' Edition
Fault Lines: The NDAA, the Industrial Base and the Future of Acquisitions
Today’s Headlines and Commentary
Lawfare’s daily roundup of national security news and opinion. -
The Lawfare Podcast: Bye Bye, 2020
Israel, Cyberattacks and International Law
In response to a series of cyberattacks, Israel seems to be increasingly turning toward international law to guide its approach to hostile activities in cyberspace. -
An Abridged History of America’s Terrorism Prevention Programs: Opposition Grows, Supporters Adapt
As the U.S. government faces downsizing in both its terrorism prevention staff and congressional funding, a quiet shift has begun at the local level. The future of CVE programs will be determined by stat... -
The Week That Will Be
Lawfare's weekly roundup of event announcements and employment opportunities.