Today’s Headlines and Commentary
Lawfare’s daily roundup of national security news and opinion. -
Justice Department Charges Six Russian GRU Officers for Widespread Hacking Efforts
The Week That Will Be
Lawfare's weekly round-up of event announcements and employment opportunities. -
The Lawfare Podcast: An October Surprise from the New York Post
Municipal Liability in Police Misconduct Lawsuits
The Monell doctrine allows plaintiffs to sue an officer’s municipal employer for promulgating unconstitutional policies or practices that precipitate officer misconduct. But is it due for reform? -
Election Observation: Rules and Laws
Election observers play a major role in elections nationwide. What rules govern poll watching in U.S. battleground states? -
Multilateralism in the National Interest
Taking stock of the United Nations' first 75 years. -
The Week That Was: All of Lawfare in One Post
Your weekly summary of everything on the site. -
Today’s Headlines and Commentary
Lawfare’s daily roundup of national security news and opinion. -
Document: White House CET Strategy
The Lawfare Podcast: Ambassador Doug Silliman on the Fate of Embassy Baghdad
Avoiding Another McGahn: Options to Modernize Congress’s Subpoena Compliance Tools
Congress is capable of enforcing executive branch subpoenas itself, without reliance on the courts. But it will require revisiting and reforming how it exercises its contempt powers.