Barr’s Campaign Against Independent Expertise Claims Another Victim
Brad Wiegmann’s removal as head of the National Security Division’s policy office is a major loss for the Department of Justice. -
The National Security Law Podcast: What Would Robert Jackson Do?
Persistent Aggrandizement? Israel's Cyber Defense Architecture
The Israeli equivalent to Defend Forward is far less regulated than its U.S. parallel, and that the Israeli version of Persistent Engagement at home allows domestic action and harnesses the private secto... -
Scholarstage on Xi, War in Taiwan, the CCP Toolkit, and the Chinese Tradition
Today’s Headlines and Commentary
Lawfare’s daily roundup of national security news and opinion. -
D.C. Circuit Panel Rules Against House in McGahn Case
En Banc D.C. Circuit Denies Flynn's Petition to Dismiss Criminal Case
The Lawfare Podcast: Trade War Powers: Past, Present and Future
Iowa’s 2020 Primary in the Wake of the Coronavirus
Iowa had record voter turnout in its June primary. Can it replicate this success in the general election? -
How the Coronavirus Is Affecting American Jihadist Travelers
The pandemic has slowed global travel significantly. But a few determined individuals show that the terrorism threat posed by American foreign fighters remains strong. -
"Little Sparta" and the Good Problem of Capable Allies
The United States finally has a capable partner in the Middle East, but with military competence comes increasing policy independence. -
The Week that Was: All of Lawfare in One Post