ChinaTalk: Evan Osnos on Tiananmen, Protests and Political Leadership
Fault Lines: TREATIES—What are they good for?
We Filed Suit Over Trump’s Missing War Powers Report
The president has a legal obligation to file a report with Congress on legal authorities connected to ongoing U.S. military operations. He has shirked that duty. -
The Lawfare Podcast: Congressional Overspeech with Josh Chafetz
The Rules of Engagement Are the Wrong Lexicon for Deterrence Signaling
The better approach for the U.S. is to use the lexicon of jus ad bellum in public messaging. -
The Week That Will Be
Lawfare's weekly round-up of event announcements and employment opportunities. -
What Made Trump’s Protest Response in D.C. Unique?
National Guard troops and federal law enforcement were deployed across the nation’s capital without the consent of the city—a reminder of the unique relationship between Washington, D.C., and the federal... -
Today’s Headlines and Commentary
Lawfare’s daily roundup of national security news and opinion. -
The Lawfare Podcast: The Trump Administration’s Latest Moves to Dismantle the Iran Nuclear Agreement with Peter Harrell and Richard Nephew
Energy Grid Supply-Chain Risks and U.S.-China Entanglement
There are a lot of Chinese component suppliers in the U.S. energy grid. What’s the supply-chain security risk? -
Health Diplomacy in Africa: Competition and Opportunity
China has led the aid response to the coronavirus crisis in Africa. The United States should step up. -
What Is Qualified Immunity, and What Does It Have to Do With Police Reform?
The protests ignited by the police killing of George Floyd have put a spotlight on the legal doctrine of qualified immunity—one of many structural factors that makes it difficult to hold police officers ...