If Congress wants to restrict end-to-end encryption, it should do so directly and not, as in the EARN IT Act, pass the buck to someone else.
Trudeau campaigns for a U.N. Security Council seat, Canada responds to the coronavirus epidemic and other Canadian national security news.
The Justice Department’s handling of the sentencing of Roger Stone and Michael Flynn gives reason to worry about how Attorney General Barr will handle allegations against the Biden family.
Critics are right that the draft legislation from Sens. Lindsey Graham and Richard Blumenthal could affect the deployment of end-to-end encryption. But the bill makes sense as social policy.
The Department of Justice has announced indictments of four Chinese People’s Liberation Army service members in connection with the 2017 Equifax breach. The indictments rely on a capacious definition of ...
Lawfare’s daily roundup of national security news and opinion.
If the president tries to go after career civil servants, he may trigger some significant legal consequences—including renewed scrutiny of his own conduct.
How did the Trump impeachment defense team deploy OLC memos to defend the president?