The U.S. government has begun invoking quarantine authority, so now is probably a good time for a review of the legal architectures that both authorize and constrain the quarantine power.
Ukrainians want action to demonstrate the Trump administration's commitment to the country.
As the U.S. government and the U.S. public consider the potential future use and regulation of facial surveillance, the debate in the U.K. can help to inform the U.S. discussion, particularly in terms of...
The current scope of the executive’s authority in this space is the product of decades of “unilateralist presidencies and submissive legislatures.” Essentially, Congress has abandoned this space, and the...
The impeachment process in the House was hardly perfect—and the way that process played out made it far less likely, rather than more likely, that Republican or conservative voters, politicians or activi...
Lawfare’s daily roundup of national security news and opinion
Lawfare and Goat Rodeo bring you the final day of President Trump’s impeachment trial and a discussion from the Lawfare’s impeachment experts.
The odds are stacked against reform, but protesters have withstood tumultuous events and waves of repression.
Cost imposition should be reconceptualized to align with the realities of cyber strategic competition.