Facebook's Oversight Board Bylaws: For Once, Moving Slowly
The new bylaws include a number of promising signs about Facebook’s commitment to the Oversight Board experiment. But the board’s original ambit of operations will be fairly limited. -
House Highlights Contradictions Between Justice Department and President's Impeachment Team
The Cyberlaw Podcast: Did the Saudi Crown Prince hack Jeff Bezos’s phone?
White House Releases Middle East Peace Plan
Livestream: Senate Impeachment Trial Day 7
Watch the impeachment trial here. -
The Lawfare Podcast: An Impeachment Trial Update
Today’s Headlines and Commentary
Lawfare’s daily roundup of national security news and opinion -
The Report: Impeachment, Day Six
Lawfare and Goat Rodeo bring you the sixth day of President Donald Trump’s impeachment trial boiled down to the most essential one hour and 29 minutes. -
The Case for Extending New START with Russia
A five-year extension will preserve the treaty's benefits and provide more time for negotiations regarding Russia's new weapons systems. -
Executive Privilege Is No Reason for the Senate to Ignore John Bolton
The argument that the Senate should decline to seek specific evidence relevant to impeachment in order to protect the presidency’s generalized institutional interests badly distorts executive privilege. -
Livestream: Senate Impeachment Trial Day 6
Watch the impeachment trial here. -
The Week That Will Be
Lawfare's weekly round-up of event announcements and employment opportunities.