Israeli politics have become inextricably entangled in Netanyahu’s legal predicament, and there is little legal clarity about what Israel’s constitutional law requires in this situation.
While the United States prohibits assassination as a matter of national policy, not every killing violates this ban. And even if the killing did not have an international legal basis, it may not necessar...
The Senate Select Committee on Intelligence's study of the CIA’s detention and interrogation program made several critical mistakes that have limited its long-term impact. Here's how it could have been b...
Once again, the FBI is seeking Apple’s help in unlocking phones in a counterterrorism case. But this time, Apple is technically incapable of providing assistance.
Tor hidden services are intended to help dissidents and whistleblowers. Instead, they have provided a false sense of security to users and created a platform for child sexual exploitation.
The National Security Institute crew discusses the current state of affairs between Iran and the United States.
When experts write about impeachment, they tend to spend a lot of time on the Founding, but there’s another way to think about the impeachable offense: by looking at the offenses for which Congress has a...