• John F. Fox Jr. has served as the official historian for the Federal Bureau of Investigation since 2003.
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  • Nathaniel Gleicher is the head of security policy at Facebook, focused on identifying and tackling threats aimed at the platform, including information operations.
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  • Rebecca Roiphe is an expert on prosecutions and politicization and a veteran of the New York office that brought the case and professor at New York Law School.
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  • Anne Neuberger is the Deputy National Security Advisor for Cyber and Emerging Technology.
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  • Robert Fatton Jr. is the Julia A. Cooper Professor of Government and Foreign Affairs in the Department of Politics at the University of Virginia. He also served as Chair of the Department of Politics fr...
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  • Elisabeth Kendall is a senior research fellow at Pembroke College of Oxford University.
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  • Brendan Nyhan is a political scientist and professor of government at Dartmouth College.
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  • Latif Nasser is a co-host and Director of Research at the show Radiolab from New York Public Radio.
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  • Phil Rucker is a senior White House correspondent at the Washington Post and coauthor of the book, “A Very Stable Genius.”
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  • Carol Leonnig is a national investigative reporter at the Washington Post and author of “Zero Fail: The Rise and Fall of the Secret Service.”
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  • Peter Bergen is a vice president at New America and a national security analyst for CNN. He is the author of "The Rise and Fall of Osama Bin Laden" and "Trump and His Generals."
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  • Rachel Lambert works on Facebook's Oversight Board.
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  • Jennifer Broxmeyer is the Director of Content Governance at Facebook. She leads Facebook’s work on the Oversight Board, an independent body created to answer some of the most difficult questions around f...
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  • Claire Collins is an Olympic rower and a member of the U.S. national team who competed in the 2020 Tokyo Olympics.
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  • Sarah McKune is a U.S. lawyer and independent consultant focusing on the human rights impacts of digital surveillance technologies, who has previously worked with Amnesty International, Citizen Lab, and ...
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  • Roy Tomizawa is a leadership and talent development consultant and a sports journalist.
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  • Zack Beauchamp is a senior correspondent at Vox, where he covers challenges to democracy in the United States and abroad, right-wing populism, and the world of ideas.
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  • Chris Purdy is the Director of Veterans for American Ideals and Outreach at Human Rights First. He is a U.S. Army National Guard veteran who served in Iraq.
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  • Camille J. Mackler is the Founder and Executive Director of Immigrant Advocates Response Collaborative.
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  • Susannah Cunningham is the Advocacy Manager at Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service.
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